Common Questions Asked About Talcum Powder Mass Tort Case
1. What Is Talcum Powder Made Of? What Is The Material That Causes Issues?
Talcum powder is a cosmetic product that is derived from finely-ground talc. Talc is a mineral that is drawn from the earth. It is marketed and sold as a cosmetic product for adults, children, and babies. The final product usually contains numerous additives and fragrances. Talcum powder is advertised as a product that helps to reduce friction and absorb bodily moisture, prevent chafing, help fight against bodily rashes, and keep the skin clean. It can be used to keep clothes fresh or decrease body or foot odor as well.
2. What Is The Most Common Complaints And Side Effects From The Use Of Products Containing Talc?
The most significant possible side effect reported by women who have used talcum powder is ovarian cancer and fallopian tube cancer, which can be caused by the product seeping into the ovaries via the vagina. The lawsuits being filed this year against talcum powder companies claim that the manufacturers of the powder failed to alert consumers of the increased risk of ovarian cancer when using the product for cosmetic purposes.According to a study by the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, using talcum powder frequently on female genitalia can increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer by up to 60%. The more a woman uses the product, the likelier cancer is to develop in the ovaries.
3. Why Are Talcum Powder Lawsuits Being Filed?
Attorneys for the plaintiffs have claimed that the manufacturers of talcum powder products have been aware for over 40 years of the link between using the product near the genitals and the development of ovarian cancer. However, these companies deliberately decided not to warn women that the powder could cause cancer upon entering the vagina after using the powder on the genital area or on condoms or sanitary napkins.

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